No Bake Cherry Cookies & Cream Cheesecake*


✅ For Crust:

°8 chocolate cream cookies, crushed

✅ For the garnish:

°12 oz cream cheese, soft

°3/4 c powder sugar

°8 oz Cool Whip

°4 chocolate cream cookies

°4 chocolate cream cookies, cut into pieces

°21 oz Lucky Leaf Cherry Pie Fill

°8 mini cookies filled with chocolate cream

✅ Methods :

Spread crushed cookies evenly in bottom of 8 cups to 5.5 oz parfait. Beat cream cheese & powder sugar to creamy.

Stirring in 1 1/2 c Cool Whip. Reserve 1 tsp of cookie crumbs. Add the rest of the crumbs and cookie pieces and mix very gently.

Using a disposable piping bag and a 1M icing nozzle, stir the cheese filling into the parfait moulds. Spoon cherry pie filling over each parfait.

Just before serving, add more Cool Whip to each parfait. Top with reserved cookie crumbs and mini cookies.

Enjoy !

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